School Closing Info

Emergency Closing Information

When it becomes necessary to close school we will attempt contact families by text or Power Announcement call however, the following stations will also be notified: Please click on the station below to be linked to their website or tune into them on the radio or TV.


TV- TV CBS 9&10, TV NBC 5, TV ABC 12

Weather Related School Closings

            Fog, sleet, and snow… look out it’s that time of the year again. We are asking that parents/guardians take the time to talk to their driving students about winter driving. Some key talking points to review may be:

  1. Get use to it. If you end up living in Michigan you will need to be skillful in driving in poor weather conditions.

  2. Remember that most businesses and companies rarely close for bad weather conditions.

  3. Keep track of and check weather forecasts the night before school nights. If snow, fog, or sleet is anticipated set the alarm clock ½ hour earlier so that drivers can drive cautiously to school.

  4. As parents, if weather conditions concern you, you always have the option to have your students ride the bus to school or you could transport them to school yourself.

When weather is cause for school closing or delays, the district will adhere to the following procedures. A two hour delay occurs in most instances due to inclement weather conditions. Two hour delays, as well as days when school is canceled, are announced to the public via local media outlets. An AM delay means all AM bus routes will run exactly two hours later than usual. If a student normally gets picked up at 7:00 AM then they will be picked up at 9:00 AM. On days when there is a two hour delay, there will not be AM preschool.

Sometimes weather can dictate that school be released early. We attempt to contact the parents of younger students through emergency card contacts (or other adults identified by parents) so that child care can be arranged.

For school closing information, please tune into the above radio and television stations or check out their website for up to the minute school closings:

Breakfast is not served on days when school is delayed

Athletics and Winter Weather Procedures

The following guidelines in conjunction with the Board of Educations policy will be used when determining whether or not athletic events are to take place in the event of a weather related school delay or closing.

All decisions will be made by a combination of the superintendent, high school principal, athletic director, transportation director, and varsity coach.   A minimum of three of the above mentioned individuals must be in communication before a final decision is determined.

High School Contests:

  1. In addition to the above stated procedures, the athletic director will communicate with the opposing school when determining whether or not to proceed with a scheduled contest on days in which the entire school day was canceled. (If the athletic director is unavailable, the responsibility will be handled by the high school principal.)

  2. If students are sent home during the school day, due to weather conditions, all events will be canceled without consideration of open gyms.

  3. When high school teams do not have a scheduled contest the immediate day following the day school was closed, open gyms will not be considered.

  4. In the event, a high school team has a scheduled contest the immediate day following a school closing, the approval of an open gym will be considered.

  5. “Open gym” means that any athlete unable to attend the session will not have any team sanctioned rules held against him/her.

  6. Morning practices: we will attempt to address possible weather related issues the day before the practice.  If school is canceled or delayed early enough, we will attempt to contact coaches to cancel practice.  In the event that a practice does not get canceled, it is imperative that the coach stays until all athletes have been picked up.

Junior High: In the event that school has been canceled, all contests and practices will be canceled and there will not be any consideration of an open gym.