Media Center

Media Center / Library

Welcome to the Media Center!

The Media Center contains a complete library with over 15,000 books and reference materials and available Windows PCs and Chromebooks.  Fiction, non-fiction, biography, and reference books are available.  Audio books may be checked out by 7-12th grade students.  All textbooks and classroom novels are also checked out to students through the media center. 

In addition to our library inventory, books may also be requested through MeLCat.  MeLCat is the Michigan Electronic Library Catalog.  Books which we do not own may be requested from over 400 participating libraries across Michigan and delivered to our school.  Received books are temporarily cataloged in our system and can then be checked out to the person who requested the book.  Please see the Michigan eLibrary link for more information. 

General Rules Of The Media Center:

Students are expected to be respectful and considerate of others in the media center.  Voices must be kept to a minimum at all times.  Proper care of textbooks, novels, all other books, magazines, and audio cds is expected from time of check-out to time of check-in.  Students using computers in the media center, ITV Lab, or from the portable cart are expected to be respectful of all equipment as well.   Proper use of the internet is expected throughout the school.

 Please show pride in your school property by treating all items with care! 

Circulation Policies: 

Kindergarten, first, and second grade students are allowed to check out only one item from the elementary library at a time. 

Third through sixth grade students are allowed to check out two items from the elementary library or the biography section.  Fifth and sixth grade students with parental permission may borrow secondary books as well.

Seventh through twelfth grade students are allowed to check out three items (only one may be a magazine) from any part of the library.  Textbooks and classroom required books are not included in the count.

Overdue materials must be returned or paid for before additional items can be checked out, even if a student does not have the maximum number of items out.  Although we do not assess late fines, overdue items must be returned before a student can receive his/her report card(s). 

Students will be charged the cost to replace materials that they do not return.  Book replacement prices vary widely.  Magazine covers cost $7.00 to replace.  Students who lose a book jacket/cover will be charged a $3.00 fine to re-barcode and label the book.   If a lost book is paid for and then found and returned within the school year the student will receive a refund for the amount charged.

The media center materials are protected by a security system.  Students attempting to deliberately circumvent the system and remove materials without checking them out will be punished for THEFT.  Students who damage books, remove security tags, damage or attempt to damage the security system itself will be punished for VANDALISM.

Media Center Use:

Students may use the media center to check-out/return books, do research or print papers before school begins, during their lunch, and after last bell.  During class hours, students wishing to use the media center when not accompanied by their teacher must have a pass stating the date, time, student’s name, and the purpose for his/her use of the media center.  Students are expected to use the media center for academic reasons only, and to be respectful while doing so.  Students who are not assigned to a specific class during a given class are certainly welcome to use the facility for academic reasons, but should OK their use of the media center with media center personnel upon arrival. 

Hours Of Operation:

The media center is open for use from 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.  Teachers may reserve all or part of the media center by signing out their class on the scheduling chart in the library.  Students and staff should view the scheduling chart or speak with the media center aide to check availability of the room(s) when planning a group visit.