Wellness Triennial Assessment
Updated every 3 years
Section 1: General Information
School(s) included in the assessment:
Beal City Schools
Month and year of current assessment: 4/2021
Date of last Local Wellness Policy revision: 5/15/2017
Website address for the wellness policy and/or information on how the public can access a copy:
Section 2: Wellness Committee Information
How often does your school wellness committee meet? Monthly ________________
School Wellness Leader: We are in the process of re-organizing a team now in 2021 so this will grow.
Name | Job Title | Email Address |
Marci Faber | Food Service Director |
School Wellness Committee Members:
Name | Job Title | Email Address |
Jake Johnston | Elementary principal | |
Tracy Kauppi | Elementary 4th grade teacher | |
Kelli Vanblargan | Elementary 2nd grade teacher | |
Dan Boyer | Secondary principal | |
Veena Cole | Elementary 1st grade teacher | |
Amy Sharrar | Elementary physical ed teacher | |
Roni Sisco | Elementary papapro |
Section 3. Comparison to Model School Wellness Policies
Indicate the model policy language used for comparison:
Michigan State Board of Education Model Local School Wellness Policy
Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Model Policy
WellSAT 3.0 example policy language
Describe how your wellness policy compares to model wellness policies.
Neola put together our policy but we come up with our own goals to complete.
In 2020, we received a staff wellness grant. This created a chance to put a new and improved wellness team together. We completed several workout incentives for our staff, met 4 times from January to May, started a BC wellness Facebook page, planning an outdoor yoga class for community, students and staff in May 2021, planning a color run in September 2021 for community, staff and students, did a staff survey to gauge staff needs/wants, applied for a tribal grant April 2021 to start a mileage/walking program with our students/staff and plan to apply for the ‘building healthy communities” grant for elem again and adding our HS as well! Due to COVID we haven’t invited any community members or students to the meetings but plan to when we can.
Section 4. Compliance with the Wellness Policy and progress towards goals
At a minimum, local wellness policies are required to include:
Specific goals for:
Nutrition promotion and education
Physical activity
Other school based activities that promote student wellness.
Standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold to students on the school campus during the school day that are consistent with Federal regulations for school meal nutrition standards, and the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
Standards for all foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day (e.g., in classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, or other foods given as incentives).
Policies for food and beverage marketing that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
Description of public involvement, public updates, policy leadership, and evaluation plan.
Using the table below to indicate the progress made with each goal included in the Wellness Policy. The table may be used for each school separately or the district as a whole.
Tip: When developing a wellness plan, ensure activities are meeting goals by developing SMART objectives:
Specific: Identify the exact area to improve.
Measurable: Quantify the progress.
Attainable: Determine what is achievable.
Realistic: Consider resources and determine what can reasonably be accomplished.
Time bound: Identify deadlines for goals and related tactics.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has tips for developing SMART objectives.
Michigan Department of Education Local Wellness Policy Assessment Plan
School Name: Beal City Schools Date: 4/19/2021
Nutrition Promotion and Education Goal(s):
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |
Complete? |
Example: Food and beverages will not be used as a reward for students. |
additional communication needed. | Before the beginning of next school year. |
| Principal | Teachers, staff, students | Yes |
Nutrition education in our elementary | We will need to discuss where we would get this information from/when and how to implement it. This will take time with the whole elem teaching staff involved. | 2 years 2022-2023 | Once we get this in place we will do a teacher survey to discuss impact | Principal | Teachers, staff, students |
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |
Complete? |
A mileage/walking program | Ordering tracking program, making QR code cards, providing incentive gifts, if grant comes through a sidewalk around playground | Start of school year 2021-2022 | Tracking system | Principal | Teachers, staff and students |
Physical Activity Goal(s):
School-based activities to promote student wellness goal(s):
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |
Complete? |
Color run | Promote and host a color run for students, community and staff | September 2021 | We will see how many show up for this and assess if this is something we want to host again. | PTA | Staff, teachers community, students |
Nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages for sale on the school campus (i.e. school meals and smart snacks):
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |
Complete? |
All foods sold meet smart snack and nutrition guidelines | We have been doing this and plan to continue | 5/15/2017 | Bill Chilman approves all fundraisers happening in the building | Bill Chilman | Teachers, staff and students | 4/19/2021 |
Guidelines for other foods and beverages available on the school campus, but not sold:
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |
Marketing and advertising of only foods and beverages that meet Smart Snacks:
Goal What do we want to accomplish? | Action Steps What activities need to happen? | Timeline Start dates | Measurement How is progress measured? | Lead Person | Stakeholders Who will be involved and/or impacted? |