
School Safety

A few remarks from Mr. Chilman at the Never Again, This Must Stop assembly

Folks this is a big complicated issue that has a ton of parts and many things that are out of our control but we can control a few things and that is what I want to talk about for just a few moments so please, please, please, listen.

Look around the room, go ahead and look around this room. Look right and look into that persons eyes, look left, look into that persons eyes. Look at the person in front of you, turn around and look at the person behind you, look into their eyes. Folks we must value life. These are our friends and classmates, our teachers, and in some cases our family.

We must stop the violence once and for all. Join the Oxford, Michigan students, Unite against violence. Value life, value each other, value your education for a better life. Value your friends and classmates. Value your family and your faith whatever it may be. (Never Again, This Must Stop.)

We are all Aggies We help each other. We encourage one another.  We care about each other.

If you need any kind of help please seek out an adult and talk to them and if they can't help you themselves, we will find someone to help you, somehow, some way. I promise you that.

Remember the confidential OK 2 Say program. There is info on our website. If you see something say something. If you read something say something. If you hear something say something. Speak up and help yourself and each other. Someone will listen.

Listen to the things your mother has said to you since you were little:

  • If you don't have anything nice to say, then please don't say anything at all.

  • Nice matters.

  • Treat people like you want to be treated.

  • Show respect to get respect...  The list goes on and on.

We simply need a reminder that we as people cannot continue to treat each other in this callous violent manner anymore. Again:  Aggies care about each other, Aggies help each other, Aggies encourage each other.

If you are a student and you come to this school to learn you can do that and know someone here cares about you and respects you. If you are a teacher and you come to this school to teach know you can do that and feel respected by students who also care about you.  Below you will find some additional resources.  A link to the confidential OK2Say program, a statement in solidarity from the superintendents of the public schools of Gratiot and Isabella counties, a letter from the administration of Beal City Public Schools, and a resource from the National Association of School Psychologists.  Please examine these materials and join our efforts to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community.  Click here for the Michigan State Police Office of School Safety.