Counseling Services

Students may be referred to counseling services by parent, guardian, teacher, or staff member.  Sometimes students may self-refer as well if they are seeking additional support related to academics, careers, and/or social/emotional development.  To ask a question or refer a student, you may contact the counseling department at (989) 644-3901.

Classroom Lessons
Counselors work with teachers and staff to provide lessons within the classrooms. Topics may include things such as healthy friendships, self-esteem, and empathy. For example, social-emotional learning curriculum is being implemented in the elementary and middle schools utilizing the Second Step curriculum.
Small Group Counseling
Sometimes students might be invited to join small group counseling. Small groups will have clear goals and participation is voluntary. Areas of focus vary but allow students to develop relationships, learn, and practice new skills. Parent/guardian consent is required for student participation.
Individual Counseling
Individual, short-term student appointments also are scheduled to help support students with academic success and social/emotional topics. Referrals may come from teachers, parents, students, or staff.

To establish rapport and gain the trust of students, counselors strive to maintain the confidentiality of student issues. In cases where there are concerns about the safety and well-being of students, counselors work to facilitate communication with family members to identify strategies and goals for improved health and well-being of the student.

Outside Referrals
Counselors serve a large age range of students that includes kindergarten through grade 12.  Given that time is limited and school counseling is intended to be short-term. some students may benefit from referrals to outside support services, depending on their individual needs and circumstances.  In these situations, the school counselor may work collaboratively with the student, family, teacher, and/or staff to identify possible outside referral sites.  Throughout the process, the counselor will remain in contact to assist with questions and coordination efforts.