

Estimation is a tough skill to master.  Here are some ways you can help your children increase their estimation skills.

  • Put out 2 baggies, both with the same item.  Put 10 in one baggie and a different amount of the same item in the other.  Make sure to label the one with just 10. Have your child make a guess about how many are in the second baggie.  Ask: How did you think about this?  Keep doing this with different items.  Some great items to use: marshmallows, bite-sized candy, small crackers, and pennies.

  • Put mini marshmallows in one baggie and in the same size baggie, put regular-sized marshmallows.  Ask - which baggie has more marshmallows? Which has fewer? How did you think about this?

  • Using just one baggie, put a small item in.  Ask your child how many you have in the bag, but give them some ideas.  Do you think there are 10, 30, or 90? Once they have picked an amount, ask: How did you think about that? Why did you choose that number?

  • Examples below:

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Mrs. Cole - Elementary Math Interventionist