Halftime! Go Blue!

End of the 1st Quarter! Let's go Blue!!!!

Aggies @ Iron Mountain Regional Final!

District Champs! Aggie Football!

District Champs!
Congratulations Lady Aggie Volleyball!!

Aggies Up headed to the 4th!


End of 1st! Go Aggies!

Please vote for our Aggie football team!

Congratulations to Khloe Wilson signing with Montcalm Community College today for volleyball!

Aspen Neal at service as our 9th Grade Volleyball team defeated Alma in straight sets tonight by scores of 25-22, 25-20, 18-16. Go Aggies! - September 9, 2024

Ashlyn Kannawin serves up the ball as our 9th Grade Volleyball team defeated Alma in straight sets tonight by scores of 25-22, 25-20, 18-16. Go Aggies! - September 9, 2024

Good afternoon!
Our schools are without power.
If your students are at the school for practice or any other reason, please come pick them up as soon as you can.
Thank you!

Go Aggies!

Go Aggies!

Go Aggies!

Go Aggies!

Better is the way…Upgrades coming!